As a little girl, I had this grandiose idea of life, love and the ever-after, which consisted of graduating from college, getting married to a man that adores me, living in the home of my dreams with the picket fence and 2 cars, and eventually having 2.5 children and a dog. Boy was I fooled!!!!! Life has a funny way of doing its own thing and in many instances going in a direction that we often never see coming until it hits us, and usually by then it's too late... Now.... Please don't misunderstand, I never lived a tragic underprivileged life.. We were the economy size version of the Huxtables. Both of my parents attended college where they met and have since been attached at the hip. From this perfect 40 year union, came my sister and I. As kids we were always involved in some activity and every summer we took vacation somewhere. We attended church together and always had some family function to attend, which usually consisted of a lot of cooking and eating and a whole lot more laughter. ...
I will be the first to say that while I'm sure my parents had their share of good and bad days; they never allowed it to affect the love that we got from them. My mom was the disciplinarian and my dad, well my dad was my dad and we often used that to our advantage. If you had asked us, he could move mountains along with a number of other things like walking on water, and leaping tall buildings in a single bound. ( Our version of Superman I guess..) He has always been the provider and was the first man that I ever loved. Shoot, he's probably the reason why I don't have a husband now... He was the perfect example of how and what a man should be. With him I believed that chivalry wasn't dead. He gave me something to look forward to.. I wouldn't have asked for a better man as a father or an example... While male bashing has and never will be my aim or intention, when thinking of men and the ones that I've chosen to deal with, conversations quickly move from how much I love them to why in the world I continue to entertain them as I do. Now when I say entertain, I mean in respect of my dealings and the things that I've accepted over time..
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